A Little Bit About Me & This Blog

About Me.

Hello everyone! My name is Karla Robaina. I am currently a second-year student at the University of Florida. I am studying telecommunications with a minor in business administration. With this degree, I hope to become a news reporter who specializes in entertainment. Hopefully even one day work for E! News. I was born and raised in Miami, Florida. One reason I chose to study telecommunications is because I love to travel. I want to spend a big part of my life visiting different places around the world. For now, I like discovering cool things to do around Gainesville, Florida. 

About This Blog. 

When I first moved to Gainesville, I didn't know much about the town. Since then, I've ventured out from the university during my two years here; but even now, I am always finding things to do here that I didn't know existed. I created this blog to post about things that I like to do in Gainesville or that have caught my interest. Whether it's going to different restaurants, exhibits, or events, I want to show you guys all the fun things the swamp has to offer! I will research to find places that interest me and hopefully you guys. Feedback will always be appreciated and I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I'll enjoy making them!


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