Preaching at Plazas

Free speech on college grounds has been a touchy subject lately.  On December 6th, 2017, House Bill 909 for higher education was proposed. This bill was intended to prohibit college campuses from restricting expressive activities. That being said, the University of Florida and it's students have a tendency to practice their free speech on college grounds. Anyone can come to areas of our campus, such as Turlington or Plaza of the Americas, and express their opinions. Today I experienced a preaching. A man from Tom Short's ministry group  went to Plaza of the Americas and preached about Christianity. His preaching then turned into an argument when a student at the university decided to start stating her opposition to what the man was preaching. Below are my live tweets of the event:

This first tweet shows two opposing sides. The man on the right was trying to persuade the woman on the other side to change her views on religion. The woman was a student at the University of Florida, while the man was a preacher would traveled to different schools advocating for people to follow Christianity. 

The student was an atheist who didn't believe nothing happened after death. The preacher answered back by saying the student was arguing with Jesus, not him.

The preacher then proceeded to bring evolution into the argument stating that God created evolution. Below is the student's response to his statement. 

Another student who opposed Christianity joined the argument. She brought about her belief in the Big Bang Theory. Below is the preacher's response to the theory.

While the argument was going on, a man saw me recording. He asked me why I filming the argument and then proceeded to ask me what side I was on. We talked for a little bit and I found out he was a part of the same ministry as the preacher. He gave me a card that had the information on where they would be preaching next.

After the man spoke to me, he asked two men who were sitting in the bench next to him what they thought.

I continued to listen to the preacher and the students' argument. The preacher continued to tell the student that she had faith, but it was one not many are familiar with.

The student argued back by saying we are forced to love our family. The next tweet shows what the preacher answered to that. 

 The student told the preacher once she is on her deathbed, nothing will matter. She then said love isn't a feeling.

The two continued to argue. The opposition remained. The three next tweets explain what happened next. 


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