Food Truck Rallies Are The Way To Go
Hello all! Since my last post, I haven't done much but work on school. This past weekend in Gainesville they had a food truck rally where there's basically a ton of amazing food to eat. Of course I decided to go and stuff my face, because who wouldn't like to do that on a Saturday night? There were so many food trucks there... It was food baby mania! Anyways, one of my favorite parts of the night was when I looked over my shoulder and saw... a fried oreos food truck! My heart could not have been happier at that moment. I, undoubtedly, got some and let me just say they were amazing!
My friends tried to be artsy and take nice pictures of them but that didn't work out. I promise they tasted so much better than how they look. Overall, it was a great night filled with great food.
This Sunday I will be heading to the Gainesville Indie Flea Market. I'm actually really excited because I don't know what to expect. I'll keep you guys updated!
Stay Fabulous Friends!
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