The Man , Taylor Swift.
This week I want to look into the world of pop. There has been a feud between Taylor Swift and Scooter Braun for a while now. As of today, the feud continues. On February 27th, T-Swift released her video "The Man." To understand the video, I recommend you watch it first.
Since 2018, Swift has been dealing with the Scooter Braun issue where her former label was sold to Braun's label. Because of this all of Swifts' music, which was mostly written by her, was credited to Braun and his label.
Video: The Man by Taylor Swift.
The portrays Swift as a man and considers how others look at her music and work if she were a man. In the video, Swift is an egocentric, alpha-male who screams at his coworkers, is surrounded by many young women and is considered the "World's Greatest Dad" by others for just spending time with his daughter.
The video continues and we get a glimpse of "the Man" 58 years later getting married to a girl much younger than he. Tyler Swift, the name of the Man, is glorified by everyone around him. At the end of the video, Tyler goes offscreen to speak with the director, Ms. Swift herself. She gives me some things to work on, such as, how he has to be sexier and more likable on camera.
The video ends with a transformation of Swift on how she became "The Man." It also shows the credits to which it says she wrote, directed and starred in the video.
According to Entertainment Weekly, Swift has been wanting to tackle this subject for a while but never knew how she could express it. She thought if she were a man during her success, how different would her life be?
But where is Scooter Braun in all of this? In the video there are background platforms showing Swift throwing some shade at the manager. For example, there's a "No Scooters" sign on the 13th Street Station. As well as, a sign saying "Missing: If Found Return to TAYLOR SWIFT."
I pointed this out because Taylor Swift is an artist that has always had some kind of backlash. Every time I hear about her in the media, something negative is being said about her.
Since 2018, Swift has been dealing with the Scooter Braun issue where her former label was sold to Braun's label. Because of this all of Swifts' music, which was mostly written by her, was credited to Braun and his label.
Now, Swift is trying to fight back with her music and I couldn't respect her more. She is trying to protect herself as a working artist in 2020. There are many obstacles when it comes to that profession and she is doing all she can to continue making her music.
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